Monday, November 1, 2010

The Kite Runner #1

So far I am impressed about The Kite Runner. I am usually not a reader, but when a book is interesting like this one I begin to read it. At first, I was not convinced by the intro to keep on reading, but after a while I began to not be able to set down the book. The events, actions, dialogue, and setting seem so realistic. After reading this for a while you can see yourself in that position or compare and contrast. The tragic and expected events seemed to be visualized so easily from a certain style of writing. One big point in this book is the kite fighting, a game where people have to knock down or cut each others kite. The kite fighting took me by suprise because I have never heard of such thing, and the idea of someone trying that makes me giggle (not hating).

This book is in Historical Fiction from Afghanistan and The Bay Area. The main character is Amir and Hassan. Both of these characters get into trouble with others and have conflicts. Amir also has conflicts because of his family’s past. Amir’s father is Baba, he a rich man who does not really recognize Amir. Amir is a sort of spoiled kid compared to the others. Hassan is a younger kid who is a servant with his father of Baba’s family. Even though sometimes Amir does not include Hassan in some activities, Hassan and Amir are good friends. Baba gives some signs that he wishes his son was more like Hassan than Amir. Hassan is strong, somewhat fearless, and loyal. Amir on the other hand is fearful, weak, and disrespectful at times. In short, many small conflicts will turn into a big conflict that will be found later on.

In this book, many unexpected events happen. Unlike many books, I could never guess what would happen next in this book, it makes you question if this could happen to one person. Some of these events were pretty graphic. Spoiler ahead, like when a certain person is raped. The idea of being rapped disgusts me, it is not even human to do that, it should not be human. That is one dislike about the book, the event of rape, it is to graphic for some people.

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