Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Lately we have had many substitutes, which is not bad so far. I have noticed many things about these substitutes. First of all, it is always the same substitute compared to my other school. In my old school we would always have different substitutes for some reason. Also, people from ASTI are very respectful to the substitutes. In my old school, there was little respect for substitutes, do not get me wrong, many people did have respect for the substitutes. Finally, I noticed that the substitutes are very loose, or not as strict. This surprised me because I thought that ASTI would have gotten strict substitutes so we would not get off task.

I hate it when people try and take advantage of substitutes like if they do not even know the rules of the school. In my old school, taking advantage of substitutes continuously happened throughout the year. I admit it I also used to take advantage but sometimes there is a limit. Some people take it too far. Some people try and impress their friends to think that they are hard (as in tough). Kids play tricks on substitutes that makes them look like fools. To me it is funny how some people try and be tough but fail at it. I believe it would be more embarrassing to fail at being tough than being completely quiet. Another thing that I find weird is when a person is concentrated at doing their work so much that they are alone or are not talking. This is weird to me because school is also about having some fun and not work all the time.

The following things are good about having a substitute. We get to chill and not work as hard as usual. We also get to have more fun or be able to talk more, but not always. When we are working, we get to work in our own pace, which is great because if we wanted we can do our classwork as homework. These substitutes have been awesome, and I look forward to met them again.


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