Monday, November 8, 2010

The Kite Runner #2

This section of the book surprised me in many ways. Many events happened throughout this section of the book. In this section it feels like you are going through his life and events. The events are very detailed and mysterious. Some events I did not expect at all to happen in the story, or at least this early into the book. I am not allowed to say any spoilers, so I will not describe any of the events. Also, this section made me think about some predictions that will happen. So far, I am still satisfied about reading this book. It has many epic events that lead to other events.

One quote that really struck me is one from the beginning of the book. The following quote, Baba is talking to Amir about the main sin in life, stealing.
When you kill a man, you steal a life...You steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. Do you see?
This quote sort of convinced me to believing that stealing is the biggest sin. These are very great arguments to making it convincing. One thing that makes me believe that stealing is the biggest sin is that you could say this to anything. For example, if you stand close to someone, they or you could say get away your stealing my air, or something like that. That is what led me to not believe that is the biggest sin. Even though these are great arguments, I still think that there are greater sins in life.

This book has made me realize how other places are. The author makes where he is from sound really bad, but I believe there were also good places during that time. If you may not know, during that time is when where they lived was being invaded by Russians I believe. There was much tension between them and Russians. Also, there are some characters in here that make many people from over there look nice. But also there are people that make it sound a very bad place. One person that makes it sound nice is Rahim Khan. The person that makes it seem very bad is Assef. I believe these two characters give a big role into the feeling or mood of the setting.

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