Monday, November 15, 2010

The Kite Runner #3

Wow! This book was really what I had not expected. Many saddening events happened that just came out of the blue. I was amazed by all the irony and events in the book. I never knew so much symbolic irony could happen in one book. This book was enjoyable to read, not much other books like this one. Even though the end was sort of dull or an ending I did not like much, it still gave a certain mood or relief towards Amir. My final thoughts have changed about Amir. He used to be a very weak spoiled little kid. But now I think he changed in many good ways. He is now more happy, helpful, courageous, and could recognize his mistakes.

The irony in this book was so juicy. I personally loved the irony in this book, it was my favorite part. Most of the irony comes back from the past in Amir's life. It is either between Hassan, Amir, Baba, and other people and events. For example, one thing that was irony is when Amir was at the hospital and they told him he had a severe cut on his lip, which for me exemplified like Hassan's harelip. Another thing was that Sohrab was a sex slave for Assef, and Hassan was raped by Assef. I could go on and on but I want to keep this somewhat short.

I would definitely recommend this book to everyone I would know, or maybe to people I do not know. If I were a librarian, I would tell people to check this book out. The irony, the events, the feeling, the mood, the the characters, the setting; it is all there. All of these great features come in this great products. Now I sound like I am trying to advertise this book, but I am. Everyone should read this book, read it!! I could go on and on about how much I like this book, which is very unusual for me to like books. My final thought on The Kite Runner, I will never forget this book and it will help me think about how my life is. This book gets a 9.90 out of 10 just because I did not like the ending as much. But overall, great great book.

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