Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Response to David's blog

So I was looking around for an interesting post on google reader and I found this amazing song from David's post. His song made me shake for a while but then I understood it. The song title is B.I.T.C.H or Broken, Ignorant, Tramp, Confused, Hateful. Here is a quote from his analysis of his song,
In each verse, I give a little detail about what it is this person does. In the first verse where it says, "Don't you turn off the switch," she is desperately begging for someone to help her. In the second verse where it says, "I throw your self-esteem in the trash, not the recycling bin," it means she insults people so badly that it scars them for life. The pre-chorus is talking about misunderstanding of why her life sucks. Finally, in the chorus she is completely miserable and does not know what to do, it's like her life turned against her because of how bad she was living it. Btw, the title is an acronym (B.I.T.C.H.)
 When I skimmed through this song I thought it was about something emo (not dissing). After I read this quote or analysis I thought about it for a while. I can see that the inspiration for this song came from someone that David did not dislike but had no respect for her. This song is all about her, how she needs help but can not get it. For example when David stated," I throw your self-esteem in the trash, not the recycling bin," means many things. I thought about it as like how trash never comes back, and recycling does. So her self-esteem is thrown in the trash so it would not come back and form again, keywords here would not come back. I hope this is sort of understood.

This song was very creative. I enjoyed reading this song because it is so unique. It is unique because I have not heard many songs like this that has this type of feeling towards a person. I was surprised when I read this song. If I could rate this song I would give it a high score. But how could I rate a song that came from someone's heart. Oh, and I also liked the title of the song, very creative title. Overall good song, kudos to you David.

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