Thursday, December 16, 2010

Response to God Bless Alameda

So I was looking over reader and I found a response that was interesting. This was a response from Rokhsor to Aleah that was talking about Alameda.
I am shocked. If anything, Alameda is the coolest place to be and just because you do not like it here, does not make it dumb or stupid or anything like that. I am tired of people calling Alameda bad names. If you do not like it, then do not talk about it. It is as simple as that. Just because people live in Oakland and it’s where all the “cool people” live, does not make everywhere else dumb...First of all, if Alameda is bootsy, then what are you doing at an Alameda school? I am not trying to sound rude at all but it is the first question that popped up in my head. Since Alameda is bootsy, then you might as well find a good school at Oakland. Oh yeah, since it is so much better than Alameda, then it shouldn’t be that hard to find a good school in Oakland that is offering the same kind of things that ASTI is.
Ok. Before I start, I want others to know that I am not trying to take any sides, this is just my opinion. So, some people might know I live in Oakland, so I probably might be biased towards Oakland.  I have never lived in Alameda so I do not really know how it is. I also do not really hang out in Alameda as much.

 I agree with Rokhsor that Alameda is a nice place that is not stupid or dumb. I like to kid around with Rokhsor saying that Oakland is better, but she does have some points. If Oakland is so cool, why would you go to school to Alameda. This was the thing that always got to me because it is true, why would I go to school in Alameda? I still don't even have a good complete answer for that question. One thing I did not really agree with was this. By the way I read it, you are trying to say that there are no good schools in Oakland. If you are trying to say that, I could differ. There are many schools all over Oakland, and all of them have a different styles of teaching and just a different style overall. All schools are good in their own way, some help more in different ways. 

I love Oakland, but I also like Alameda. Alameda is a nice place to chill and be safe. Even though I like Alameda, there are some things I dislike. From what I heard is that Alameda is turning "ghetto". I thought this was funny because you can not really turn ghetto out of the blue, especially Alameda. Maybe it could, but have some doubts about it. It is more like there are people in Alameda who are ghetto, not Alameda is turning ghetto. Last thought, I would prefer to live in Oakland than Alameda just because I have not really experienced Alameda as much. If I did live there, then maybe it would be the other way around.  Merry Christmas and New Years to everyone. :)

1 comment:

  1. i comment on this shit hoe
