Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response to Shannon

So I was looking in reader for stuff about Oakland. I found this quote from Shannon that also lives in Oakland. So I thought she can really know how Oakland is. Here is the following quote from Shannon,
I hear that there is some debate on whether or not Oakland is safe or not. Living in the hood for my whole life, I would say Oakland is fine. A lot of people call it a "kill-zone" and say its dangerous. From the parts I've lived in and from my experience its not really dangerous unless you're unlucky and shot as an innocent bystander or you're into some stuff. Most people in Oakland aren't even into stuff. Oakland has actually been very safe for me and lots of other people. There are parts that are very nice like Montclair and the Oakland Hills are all safe as can be...As for the gangs, there are gangs and gang affiliation in Oakland but the difference is its just as much as any other city. Oakland is targeted because of stories that people have heard on the news of people getting shot or stabbed or something. Just as much crime happens elsewhere but Oakland has been targeted.
I can really agree with Shannon. I also live around a "ghetto" neighborhood. Oakland is dangerous for you only if for certain reasons. If you are involved in drug deals, gangs, or maybe in the wrong places at wrong times. Mainly you get into trouble if you are in a gang. Of course there is going to be violence if you are representing a gang because other people represent a different gang. If you are in like a drug deals, this could get into money problems with drug dealers and produce problems.  These are the problems that make cities look bad, or more certainly Oakland look bad.

Do not get me wrong, there is also robbing, jumping (fights), killings, rapers, and all sorts of stuff in Oakland, but this happens everywhere, not just Oakland. I think you have an equal chance of being robbed  in every other city. People just so happen to think Oakland is bad. Also, the news is mainly that makes Oakland look bad, they make it so dramatic and since they only show important things on T.V or news people think its true or bad. Oakland is sometimes a dangerous place, but its is a great place.

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