Saturday, December 11, 2010

LCD #2 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

So far, the book has been great. It has been very original and interesting to read. It feels as if it were really written by an autistic kid. I am almost till the end of the book. Many things have happened and finally we found out who the killer of the dog is. By now, I sort of feel like I understand the main character, Christopher, or like as if I know him. this book is very well-written. Almost done with the book. Two thirds finished, one third left to go.

This week's discussion was better from last times I believe. This week, I actually participated some in the discussion. I asked questions, answered some questions and used some quotes. We all participated which made the discussion really interesting and better than last weeks'. Some questions that came up during the discussion were about the plot, characters and about autistic people. These were the main things in our discussion. One example of these questions was," How do police in England deal with autistic kids?" One thing that stood out to me. While we discussed about what was going to happen next into the book, Christian popped in and and claimed something significant. He said," In the beginning, Christopher was talking about mystery novels. He said that the best mystery novels you could find out in the middle of the book. Later on in the book or in the middle of the book, you find out who the killer is." This was very interesting because it was really true.

This discussion brought me to some questions. I still have some questions about autistic people. Before, I did not know that much about autistic kids, but now I am sensing sort of how they are. Also, I have questions about how England is or was during the time in the book. Oh, by the way this is taken place in England. In england there are people that treat Christopher in certain ways that make me question how England is. Overall, I believe this discussion was better than last weeks. The book is great and I would recommend this book to everyone I know who would want to read a book.

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