Tuesday, September 14, 2010

College Ready

“College ready” can be a complicated thing. For me, “college ready” means many things. It means to be responsible, independent, be able to work with others, and being tolerant (ethnicity, religion, etc.). Out of these, I think my main strength is being tolerant and accept others ways. I work very well with others; working with someone is my preferred thing. Accepting others is easy for me unless they disrespect my culture or me. Tolerance is important because in college there is a lot of diversity, and if you accept a person you will have a more peaceful time in college. In my opinion, I think I need to work on being more responsible and independence. I am sometimes responsible but mainly when there are possible consequences. I also need to learn how to be independent because I usually work with others. Being responsible is very important for college because no professor or parent is going to be watching over you. Independence is also important because in college you will have to manage your time and take care of yourself. “College ready” will clearly be understood in senior year of high school.

I believe that college is a very important step in life. College is really necessary for many things. If you want a great paying career or job, you need to go to college. In college you can see and experiment many classes to see in what class you want to major in. The college years really will change your life and give you many perspectives of different classes. For example, maybe in high school you hated Biology. In college you can easily change your mind. In college you get to learn more depending on what class you’re in. Some great things about college are that you only have classes some days and you get to choose what classes and what time. Another great thing about college is that you only have to apply for about 2 semesters which is half a year compared to high school and middle school which are about three fourths of a year. College is a necessary step or stage to be successful in life. 

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  1. i responded to post
