Saturday, February 26, 2011

Luis is My Name

My full name is Luis Alfredo Alba. My middle name is my dad's name, while my first name is from my dad's little brothers' name. Luis is a Spanish version of  Lewis in old German I believe. Luis means "famous warrior" which I guess is because of the generals or soldiers that were famous in war. I am not sure about where or how far back Alba goes. Alba is like a name for Scotland in a certain language or something.

I have a few nicknames. Some I like, some I do not mind, but others sometimes bother me at times. Many of my friends pronounce my name as Lewis which is okay but I prefer Luis. Here are some nicknames and little explanations: Louis Vuitton, Wicho (Cuban for Luis), Luis de Alba (Luis de Alba is and was a famous actor/comedian), Luigi, L.A. (my first and last initials), Freddy (random), Alba (last name). Wicho for me would be a personal name because mainly my family call me this. One name that I do not like is Louis. I do not like this name because a certain person kept on bothering me by repeating that name all day for about a week.

I do not really like my name. I do not like it because too many people have it. It is a very popular name within the Mexican or Spanish community. For example, in my old school (UPA) like about 10 different people had it. It is more common in schools where there is a wide population of Mexicans, which is my middle school. My middle school was like 85% Mexican, so there were a few Luis' there. Here at ASTI, I think no one besides me has Luis, so that is pretty good. On the contrary, I love my last name. I love Alba because a lot of people ask me if I am related to Jessica Alba. Just to mess with people I say I am and tell them, "She [Jessica Alba] is just stingy with her money." There are also many streets and famous people named after Alba, it's all good. My middle name Alfredo is egh, whatever. My family call me Alfredo when they are mad at me or if I am not listening. I don't like this much because I am used to people using it in a mean tense.

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